
SUP safety tips – choosing the right leash

Ankle leash? Calf leash or waist leash? Quick release or regular Velcro? With so many options and questions circulating around the use of leashes and different types of leashes when stand up paddle boarding, we wanted to share an easy overview to help you get out on the water safely. 

Before we start, why is it important to understand the difference between stand up paddleboard leashes?

It’s essential to understand the difference between stand up paddleboard leashes, and which one is right for the type of water you’re heading out on.

If you end up in the water wearing the wrong leash on any moving water like flowing rivers, tidal rivers or in tidal races, this can cause the leash to become snagged or caught on obstacles and for you to become entangled or trapped. This can then make it difficult to release yourself. In these conditions, a quick-release belt system is the best option and could be essential if you are in danger.

So which one is right for you…
Well, the first thing to note is that there is no one-size-fits-all here. The environment where you are paddling is the biggest indicator of what type of leash you should use.
Before we delve into the different types of leashes, we should also consider whether straight or coiled leash lengths are appropriate.

The length of the leash will be coiled, much like a spring. You would use a coiled leash for general SUP use.

Easy to spot, the straight leash is just one continuous length. You would use a straight leash only for surfing.

Now that we’ve examined the difference between coiled and straight leashes, let’s consider when you should wear an ankle, calf, or waist leash…

Ankle leash
Suitable environments for use are lakes, canals, sea/coastal bays, surf, and slow-moving deepwater rivers, with NO risk of snagging or entrapment. These are the most common leash, and often come with your board if you buy a package. They are easy to wear and to fit.

Calf cuff/knee leash
Suitable environments for use are lakes, canals, sea/coastal bays, surf, and slow-moving deepwater rivers where there is NO risk of snagging or entrapment. These are similar to an ankle leash, but the cuff attachment is slightly larger and fits just below your knee. Some people may prefer this type of leash for ease of attachment, but the environments in which they should be used are similar.

Quick-release belt system (waist)
Any moving/flowing water, including rivers, tidal rivers and estuaries, tidal races, where there is a risk of snagging or entrapment. It can be easily reached if you come off your board and are caught or held by the force of the water. When fitted and used correctly, it releases you from your board and leash attachments, freeing you from any dangerous entanglement. If wearing a buoyancy aid, we highly recommend wearing the quick-release belt system on top of your buoyancy aid. You can also attach the cuff from a coiled leash, which would typically attach to your ankle or calf, to the waist belt as an alternative. 

When paddling white water, it is advised that no leash is worn at all to avoid entrapment.
We’ve worked with a SUP Technical Group to produce the infographic below, regarding SUP leash guidance. Check it out and share it with your SUP pals to ensure everyone has a fun and safe time on the water this summer.

Huge thanks to our partners

About thepaddlerezine (630 Articles)
Editor of The Paddler magazine and Publisher of Stand Up Paddle Mag UK

1 Comment on SUP safety tips – choosing the right leash

  1. “As the National Governing Body for Stand Up Paddleboarding in the UK, informed by recent research and insight into the inherent danger of using leashes and pending further research, British Canoeing strongly recommend that SUP paddlers DO NOT use any leash system while paddling on white water.
    Therefore after careful consideration and pending further research British Canoeing Awarding Body (BCAB) is changing previous advice and content within all BCAB SUP white water qualifications, awards or other related training courses to the following guidance:

    During the delivery of BCAB courses, use of any SUP leash system within a white water environment is NOT permitted.”

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